Plan your seamless transition to a four-year college or university. View transfer planning guides and learn about guaranteed and dual admissions programs, special scholarships and more.

Sample Transfer Plans
当你不确定下一步要做什么或在哪里时, 遵循这些主要计划样本之一或遵循IAI核心课程,以帮助指导您的班级选择获得AA或AS学位.

Transfer Finder
我们的顾问人员收集了课程转学指南以及太阳城集团博彩与数十所四年制学院和大学之间的协议. Work with an advisor to help explore your options by major, college or interest category.

If you transferred from Black Hawk College before earning your AA or AS, 你仍然可以获得副学士学位,同时通过我们的反向转移学分计划攻读学士学位.
Please confirm transfer requirements with the school of your choice.
Black Hawk College presents this information as a service for our students. Every effort is made to keep documents, details and links up to date. Some schools may have a separate application process and deadline for scholarships. Information presented pertains to domestic students only (visit 无证学生大学建议指南 for more information). 一定要向转学学校代表和/或转学学校的网站确认要求.
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Transfer Community Swag Swap
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Quad-Cities Campus
Building 1, First Stop Center
Mon-Tue, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Wed-Fri, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
East Campus
Building A, Room 246
Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Evenings by appointment